19 September 2023
The first annual meeting for Aarhus University Translational Cancer Network will take place at Aarhus University Hospital. We have planned an exciting afternoon with keynote presentations from KU Leuven, Belgium, and the Danish Cancer Society. In addition, seven local speakers from AU and AUH will present their research on cancer.
If you want to know more about the network - read here:
1st of September 2023.
A great pizza evening was used to celebrating that the journey of Jakobsen lab started 10 years ago.
30 August 2023
The lab welcomes our two new students, both medical research year applicants: Johanne Jordt and Ellen Thorborg. Both will be working on exploring immunological cell populations in cancer patients using Spectral flow cytometry.
You can read our most recent paper on Extracellular vesicles functions on the STING pathway in the tumor microenvironment, by clicking the link below, the work was conducted by Assistant Professor Aida S Hansen.
12-15 June 2023
A large part of the LCII team was present at the annual meeting for European Association for Cancer Research in Torino Italy.
We were well-presented with a total of 6 posters and one Poster-in-the-Spot light oral presentation.
A great one day event with more than 150 partipicants from around Denmark and Nordic countries focusing on preclinical cancer research using animal models.
This year keynote speaker was Professor Thomas Gajewski from Chicago University.
The meeting was organized by professor Martin R Jakobsen and sponsored by various private foundations and companies.