Research highlights

  • We identified the first genome-wide significant loci for ADHD
    (Demontis & Walters et al. Nature Genetics, 2019, in a large GWAS meta-analysis combining iPSYCH data with data from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.

  • We have demonstrated genetic heterogeneity among individuals with ADHD depending on age at first diagnosis.
    The genetic architecture of ADHD diagnosed in adults overlaps to a greater extent with the genetics of depression than ADHD diagnosed in children whereas the genetic architecture of childhood ADHD overlaps with the genetics of autism to a greater extent than ADHD diagnosed as adult (Rajagopal et al. Nature Genetics 2022).

  • We identified the first genome-wide significant loci for DBDs in the context of ADHD
    ADHD is highly comorbid with disruptive behaviour disorders (DBDs) and we identified the first genome-wide significant loci for DBDs in the context of ADHD and a found a high genetic correlation of ADHD comorbid with DBDs with aggression compared to having ADHD without DBDs (Demontis et al. Nature Communications 2021).

  • We were the first to report increased burden in ADHD cases of rare deleterious variants in evolutionary constrained genes
    Based on the to-date largest exome-sequencing data of ADHD, we were the first to report increased burden in ADHD cases of rare deleterious variants in evolutionary constrained genes (
    Satterstrom et al. 2019).

  • We have previously identified and replicated the first genome-wide significant risk locus for cannabis use disorder.
    The risk variants affect CHRNA2 expression, a gene encoding the alpha-2 subunit of the nicotine receptor (Demontis et al. Nature Neuroscience ).

  • We followed up with a large GWAS meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder
    In collaboration with the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and deCODE genetics we followed up with a large GWAS meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder, which revealed an additional risk locus implicating FOXP2 in cannabis use disorder (Johnson, Demontis, Thorgeirsson et al. 2020, Lancet Psychiatry