Our group is interested in exploring the biology of the vascular system in physiological (development) and pathological conditions (obesity and cancer). Our research is devoted to the vascular system, with a special interest in the endothelial cell activation, adaptation to inflammatory stimulus and changes in the metabolism.
Our scientific objectives range from unraveling the basic mechanisms of understanding disease pathogenesis to scrutinizing the consequences of an impaired vascular system in cancer, obesity and inflammation. We use a wide variety of approaches, including: state-of-the-art multiOMIcs technologies (single-cell and spatial RNAsequencing, proteomics and metabolomics), human and animal origin in organoid culture, cell-based experimental models, molecular techniques, and mathematical modeling and simulation. We aim to perform integrative science, utilize and combine multiple approaches in order to correlate molecular mechanisms with structure and function of blood vessels and vascular networks in both health and disease.
Our lab is a part of the Infection and Inflammation Research Theme at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University, and we contribute to the research area at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus.