At the fork of regeneration and nephron loss.
Our dynamic and international group thrives to understanding how the renal tissue can regenerate from injury and how malfunctional repair drives disease progression. We apply advanced intravital imaging techniques to track structural and functional changes in the injured and chronically diseased kidney at the single cell level over time.
We aim to identify novel mechanisms and pathways of renal tissue remodeling and translate this knowledge into new treatment strategies for chronic kidney disease. To achieve this goal, we combine multidisciplinary state-of-the-art techniques, including intravital 2-photon microscopy, tissue clearing, correlative microscopy, immunohistology, fluorescent activated cell sorting, sequencing techniques, and novel in vivo injury models.
We collaborate and interact with a number of renowned researchers at AU and internationally and affiliate with the MEMBRANE RESEARCH Theme at the Department of Biomedicine.
January 2025: Congratulations to our empirical Bachelor students Tea Pedersen and Yasmin Hemmsen for a succesful defense of their thesis!
October 2024: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at the American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week 2024 in SanDiego!
October 2024: Ina Maria Schiessl receives the Jens Christian Skou Award
May 2024: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at the ERA-EDTA meeting 2024 in Stockholm!
December 2023: Ina Maria Schiessl receives Sapere Aude grant (4.3 Mio DKK) by the Independent Research Fund Denmark!
November 2023: Check out this nice report on our recent scientific article by Science
November 2023: Sofie Kirchhoff-Jensen wins Sci Art Competition: 1st place!
September 2023: Check out our new review article on endothelial cell plasticity in Acta Physiologica: Endothelial cell plasticity in kidney fibrosis and disease - Pohl - Acta Physiologica - Wiley Online Library
August 2023: Nature Review Nephrology published a Research Highlight article on our newest study in Nature Communications:
August 2023: Our newest original article in Nature Communications was chosen as an Editor's Highlight! Check out all the highlighted articles here:
July 2023: Read our newest original article on injury propagation after acute kidney injury in Nature Communications:
April 2023: Read our newest method-focussed work in Frontiers Physiology:
April 2023: Oral Presentation by Postdoc Anders M Kristensen (scored the best abstract among APS-ETG submissions) at APSSummit 2023 in Long Beach, USA
April 2023: Postdoc Anders M Kristense wins the Herbert Lecture Award and co-chairs the Steve Hebert session at APSSummit 2023 in Long Beach, USA
April 2023: We welcome Sofie Kirchhoff-Jensen as a new research assistant in the lab!
January 2023: Get a pre-read on our newest work:
January 2023: We welcome Freja Vigen Christiansen for an empirical bachelor project in the lab!
November 2022: Augustinus Fonden supports the lab with 1.5 Mio DKK
October 2022: PhD Student Donato Sardella wins 1st place APS Renal Section SciArt Award!
October 2022: Invited Talk by PhD Student Donato Sardella at Nordic Symposium on Intravital Microscopy, virtual
August 2022: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at the Zurich Kidney Center - Final Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland
June 2022: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at the 2022 APS/ASN Control of Renal Function in Health and Disease, Charlottesville, USA
May 2022: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at the ERA-EDTA, Paris, France
May 2022: Invited Talk by Postdoc Anders M Kristensen at 51st Sandbjerg Meeting on Membrane Transport, Denmark
April 2022: Postdoc Anders M Kristensen gets finalist for the "Excellence in Renal Research Postdoc Award" at Experimental Biology 2022, Philadelphia, USA
April 2022: Oral Presentation by Postdoc Anders M Kristensen at ETG pre-Experimental Biology Meeting 2022, Philadelphia, USA
November 2021: Oral Presentation by Postdoc Luca Bordoni at American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week 2021, virtual
November 2021: Invited Talk by PhD Student Donato Sardella at 7thNORMIC Imaging Workshop, virtual
October 2021: Oral Presentation by PhD Student Donato Sardella at Danish Bioimaging Meeting Fall 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark
October 2021: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at European Physiology Day 2021, virtual
September 2021: Oral Presentation by PhD Student Donato Sardella at Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nephrologie Kongress 2021, Rostock, Germany
February 2020: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at AKI & CRRT Conference 2020, San Diego, USA
October 2019: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nephrologie Kongress 2019, Düsseldorf, Germany
September 2019: Invited Talk by Ina M Schiessl at EUKISS Summer School, Zurich, Swizerland
July 2019: Press Release, Young researcher brings unique microscopy-based technique to Denmark
June 2019: Press Release, Novo Nordisk Fonden: Research Leader Programme