Mathiesen, H., Juul-Madsen, K., Tramm, T., Vorup-Jensen, T., Møller, H. J., Etzerodt, A. & Andersen, M. N. (2025).
Prognostic value of CD163+ macrophages in solid tumor malignancies: A scoping review. Immunology Letters,
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Lund, H., Hunt, M. A., Kurtović, Z., Sandor, K., Kägy, P. B., Fereydouni, N., Julien, A., Göritz, C., Vazquez-Liebanas, E., Andaloussi Mäe, M., Jurczak, A., Han, J., Zhu, K., Harris, R. A., Lampa, J., Graversen, J. H.
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CD163+ macrophages monitor enhanced permeability at the blood-dorsal root ganglion barrier.
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Cholesterol-binding motifs in STING that control endoplasmic reticulum retention mediate anti-tumoral activity of cholesterol-lowering compounds.
Nature Communications,
15(1), Article 2760.
Reynders, A., Anissa Jhumka, Z., Gaillard, S., Mantilleri, A., Malapert, P., Magalon, K.
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Gut microbiota promotes pain chronicity in Myosin1A deficient male mice.
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Mikkelsen, J. H., Stødkilde, K., Jensen, M. P., Hansen, A. G., Wu, Q., Lorentzen, J., Graversen, J. H.
, Andersen, G. R., Fenton, R. A., Etzerodt, A., Thiel, S. & Andersen, C. B. F. (2024).
Trypanosoma brucei Invariant Surface Glycoprotein 75 Is an Immunoglobulin Fc Receptor Inhibiting Complement Activation and Antibody-Mediated Cellular Phagocytosis.
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212(8), 1334-1344.
Antonsen, K. W., Jensen, A. G., Carstensen, M., Nejsum, L. N., Sorensen, B. S., Etzerodt, A., Moestrup, S. K. & Møller, H. J. (2024).
Proinflammatory polarization strongly reduces human macrophage in vitro phagocytosis of tumor cells in response to CD47 blockade.
European Journal of Immunology,
54(7), Article 2350824.
Etzerodt, A., Mikkelsen, J. H., Torvund-Jensen, M., Hennig, D.
, Boesen, T., Graversen, J. H.
, Moestrup, S. K., Kollman, J. M.
& Andersen, C. B. F. (2024).
The Cryo-EM structure of human CD163 bound to haptoglobin-hemoglobin reveals molecular mechanisms of hemoglobin scavenging.
Nature Communications,
15(1), Article 10871.
Antonsen, K. W., Friis, H. N., Sorensen, B. S., Etzerodt, A., Moestrup, S. K. & Møller, H. J. (2023).
Comparison of culture media reveals that non-essential amino acids strongly affect the phenotype of human monocyte-derived macrophages.
170(3), 344-358.
van Elsas, M. J., Labrie, C.
, Etzerodt, A., Charoentong, P., van Stigt Thans, J. J. C., Van Hall, T. & van der Burg, S. H. (2023).
Invasive margin tissue-resident macrophages of high CD163 expression impede responses to T cell-based immunotherapy.
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Almeida Ferreira, S. R., Li, C.
, Klæstrup, I. H., Vitic, Z., Rasmussen, R. K., Kirkegaard, A., Toft, G. U., Betzer, C., Svendsen, P., Jensen, P. H., Luo, Y., Etzerodt, A., Moestrup, S. K. & Romero-Ramos, M. (2023).
Sex-dimorphic neuroprotective effect of CD163 in an α-synuclein mouse model of Parkinson's disease.
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Hansen, A. S., Jensen, L. S., Gammelgaard, K. R., Ryttersgaard, K. G., Krapp, C., Just, J., Jønsson, K. L., Jensen, P. B., Boesen, T., Johannsen, M., Etzerodt, A., Deleuran, B. W. & Jakobsen, M. R. (2023).
T-cell derived extracellular vesicles prime macrophages for improved STING based cancer immunotherapy.
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12(8), Article 12350.
Andersen, M. N., Andersen, N. F., Lauridsen, K. L., Etzerodt, A., Sorensen, B. S., Abildgaard, N.
, Plesner, T., Hokland, M. & Møller, H. J. (2022).
STAT3 is over-activated within CD163pos bone marrow macrophages in both Multiple Myeloma and the benign pre-condition MGUS.
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy,
71(1), 177-187.
Guillot, J., Dominici, C., Lucchesi, A., Nguyen, H. T. T., Puget, A., Hocine, M., Rangel-Sosa, M. M., Simic, M., Nigri, J., Guillaumond, F., Bigonnet, M., Dusetti, N., Perrot, J., Lopez, J.
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Sympathetic axonal sprouting induces changes in macrophage populations and protects against pancreatic cancer.
Nature Communications,
13(1), Article 1985.
Nissen, S. K., Ferreira, S. A., Nielsen, M. C., Schulte, C.
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, Etzerodt, A., Graversen, J. H., Berg, D., Maetzler, W., Panhelainen, A.
, Møller, H. J., Brockmann, K.
& Romero-Ramos, M. (2021).
Soluble CD163 Changes Indicate Monocyte Association With Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson's Disease.
Movement Disorders,
36(4), 963-976.
Etzerodt, A., Moulin, M., Doktor, T. K., Delfini, M., Mossadegh-Keller, N., Bajenoff, M., Sieweke, M. H.
, Moestrup, S. K., Auphan-Anezin, N. & Lawrence, T. (2020).
Tissue-resident macrophages in omentum promote metastatic spread of ovarian cancer.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine,
217(4), Article e20191869.
Goossens, P., Rodriguez-Vita, J.
, Etzerodt, A., Masse, M., Rastoin, O., Gouirand, V., Ulas, T., Papantonopoulou, O., Van Eck, M., Auphan-Anezin, N., Bebien, M., Verthuy, C., Vu Manh, T. P., Turner, M., Dalod, M., Schultze, J. L. & Lawrence, T. (2019).
Membrane Cholesterol Efflux Drives Tumor-Associated Macrophage Reprogramming and Tumor Progression.
Cell Metabolism,
29(6), 1376-1389.e4.
Etzerodt, A., Tsalkitzi, K.
, Maniecki, M., Damsky, W., Delfini, M., Baudoin, E., Moulin, M., Bosenberg, M.
, Graversen, J. H., Auphan-Anezin, N.
, Moestrup, S. K. & Lawrence, T. (2019).
Specific targeting of CD163+ TAMs mobilizes inflammatory monocytes and promotes T cell-mediated tumor regression.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine,
216(10), 2394-2411.
Andersen, M. N., Etzerodt, A., Graversen, J. H., Holthof, L. C.
, Moestrup, S. K., Hokland, M. & Møller, H. J. (2019).
STAT3 inhibition specifically in human monocytes and macrophages by CD163-targeted corosolic acid-containing liposomes.
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy,
68(3), 489-502.
Rafique, A., Etzerodt, A., Graversen, J. H.
, Moestrup, S. K., Dagnæs-Hansen, F. & Møller, H. J. (2019).
Targeted lipid nanoparticle delivery of calcitriol to human monocyte-derived macrophages in vitro and in vivo: Investigation of the anti-inflammatory effects of calcitriol.
International Journal of Nanomedicine,
14, 2829-2846.
Nielsen, M. C., Andersen, M. N., Rittig, N., Rødgaard-Hansen, S., Grønbaek, H., Moestrup, S. K., Møller, H. J. & Etzerodt, A. (2019).
The macrophage-related biomarkers sCD163 and sCD206 are released by different shedding mechanisms.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology,
106(5), 1129-1138.
Nielsen, M. C., Andersen, M. N., Rittig, N., Rødgaard-Hansen, S., Grønbæk, H., Moestrup, S. K., Møller, H. J. & Etzerodt, A. (2018).
Different shedding mechanisms of the macrophage-related biomarkers sMR and sCD163. Poster session presented at Keystone Symposium: Myeloid Cells, Breckenridge, Colorado, United States.
Larsen, C., Etzerodt, A., Madsen, M., Skjødt, K.
, Moestrup, S. K. & Andersen, C. B. F. (2018).
Structural assembly of the megadalton-sized receptor for intestinal vitamin B12 uptake and kidney protein reabsorption.
Nature Communications,
9(1), Article 5204.
Svendsen, P., Graversen, J. H., Etzerodt, A., Hager, H., Røge, R.
, Grønbæk, H., Christensen, E. I., Møller, H. J., Vilstrup, H. & Moestrup, S. K. (2017).
Antibody-Directed Glucocorticoid Targeting to CD163 in M2-type Macrophages Attenuates Fructose-Induced Liver Inflammatory Changes.
Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development,
4, 50-61.
Etzerodt, A., Berg, R. M. G., Plovsing, R. R.
, Andersen, M. N., Bebien, M., Habbeddine, M., Lawrence, T.
, Møller, H. J. & Moestrup, S. K. (2017).
Soluble ectodomain CD163 and extracellular vesicle-associated CD163 are two differently regulated forms of 'soluble CD163' in plasma.
Scientific Reports,
7, 40286. Article 40286.
Nielsen, M. A., Andersen, T., Etzerodt, A., Kragstrup, T. W., Rasmussen, T. K., Stengaard-Pedersen, K., Hetland, M. L., Hørslev-Petersen, K., Junker, P., Østergaard, M.
, Hvid, M., Moestrup, S. K.
& Deleuran, B. (2016).
A disintegrin and metalloprotease-17 and galectin-9 are important regulators of local 4-1BB activity and disease outcome in rheumatoid arthritis.
55(10), 1871-1879. Article kew237.
Tentillier, N., Etzerodt, A., Olesen, M. N., Rizalar, F. S., Jacobsen, J., Bender, D., Moestrup, S. K. & Romero-Ramos, M. (2016).
Anti-Inflammatory Modulation of Microglia via CD163-Targeted Glucocorticoids Protects Dopaminergic Neurons in the 6-OHDA Parkinson's Disease Model.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience,
36(36), 9375-90.
Andersen, M. N., Etzerodt, A., Maniecki, M. B., Moestrup, S. K., Hokland, M.
& Møller, H. J. (2016).
Liposome-based targeting of a STAT3-inhibitor to Tumor-Associated Macrophages. Poster session presented at Keystone Symposium: Cancer Pathophysiology. Integrating the Host and Tumor Environments, Breckenridge, CO, United States.
Saederup, K. L.
, Stødkilde-Jørgensen, K., Graversen, J. H., Dickson, C. F.
, Etzerodt, A., Hansen, S. W. K.
, Fago, A., Gell, D.
, Andersen, C. B. F. & Moestrup, S. K. (2016).
The Staphylococcus aureus Protein IsdH Inhibits Host Hemoglobin Scavenging to Promote Heme Acquisition by the Pathogen.
Journal of Biological Chemistry,
291(46), 23989-23998.
Jepsen, B. N.
, Andersen, K. J., Knudsen, A. R., Nyengaard, J. R., Hamilton-Dutoit, S., Svendsen, P., Etzerodt, A., Møller, H. J., Moestrup, S. K., Graversen, J. H. & Mortensen, F. V. (2015).
Anti-inflammatory liposomes have no impact on liver regeneration in rats.
Annals of Medicine and Surgery,
4(4), 452-461.
Andersen, M. N., Etzerodt, A., Maniecki, M. B., Andersen, N. F., Moestrup, S. K., Hokland, M. & Møller, H. J. (2015).
Etzerodt, A., Rasmussen, M. R., Svendsen, P., Chalaris, A., Schwarz, J., Galea, I.
, Moller, H. J. & Moestrup, S. K. (2014).
Structural Basis for inflammation-Driven Shedding of CD163 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Macrophages.
Journal of Biological Chemistry,
289, 778-788.
Orr, J. S., Kennedy, A., Anderson-Baucum, E. K., Webb, C. D., Fordahl, S. C., Erikson, K. M., Zhang, Y.
, Etzerodt, A., Moestrup, S. K. & Hasty, A. H. (2013).
Obesity Alters Adipose Tissue Macrophage Iron Content and Tissue Iron Distribution.
Etzerodt, A., Kjolby, M., Nielsen, M. J., Maniecki, M. B., Svendsen, P. & Moestrup, S. K. (2013).
Plasma clearance of hemoglobin and haptoglobin in mice and effect of CD163 gene targeting disruption.
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling,
18(17), 2254-2263.
Granfeldt, A., Hvas, C. L., Graversen, J. H., Christensen, P. A., Petersen, M. D., Anton, G.
, Svendsen, P., Sølling, C., Etzerodt, A., Tønnesen, E., Moestrup, S. K. & Møller, H. J. (2013).
Targeting Dexamethasone to Macrophages in a Porcine Endotoxemic Model.
Critical Care Medicine,
41(11), e309-e318.
Etzerodt, A., Maniecki, M. B., Graversen, J. H.
, Møller, H. J., Torchilin, V. P.
& Moestrup, S. K. (2012).
Efficient intracellular drug-targeting of macrophages using stealth liposomes directed to the hemoglobin scavenger receptor CD163.
Journal of Controlled Release.
Graversen, J. H., Svendsen, P., Dagnæs-Hansen, F., Dal, J., Anton, G.
, Etzerodt, A., Petersen, M. D., Christensen, P. A., Møller, H. J. & Moestrup, S. K. (2012).
Targeting the Hemoglobin Scavenger receptor CD163 in Macrophages Highly Increases the Anti-inflammatory Potency of Dexamethasone.
Molecular Therapy.
Maniecki, M. B., Etzerodt, A., Ulhøi, B. P., Steiniche, T., Borre, M., Andersen, L. D., Orntoft, T. F., Moestrup, S. K. & Møller, H. J. (2012).
Tumor-promoting macrophages induce the expression of the macrophage-specific receptor CD163 in malignant cells.
International Journal of Cancer,
131(10), 2320-2331.
Maniecki, M. B., Etzerodt, A., Moestrup, S. K., Møller, H. J. & Graversen, J. H. (2011).
Comparative assessment of the recognition of domain-specific CD163 monoclonal antibodies in human monocytes explains wide discrepancy in reported levels of cellular surface CD163 expression.
216, 882-890.
Etzerodt, A., Maniecki, M. B., Møller, K.
, Møller, H. J. & Moestrup, S. K. (2010).
Tumor necrosis factor α-converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) mediates ectodomain shedding of the scavenger receptor CD163.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology,
88(6), 1201-1205.