
At the Department of Biomedicine we are dedicated to the mission of translating our basic research into solutions that benefit society and the outside world.

Research for the benefit of patients

At the Department of Biomedicine, researchers are working hard every day to discover and develop new therapeutic treatments with the potential to help patients with unmet needs. Either in terms of entirely new ways of treating the disease or by improving already existing treatments.

Creating spinout companies

One way to secure the development of basic research ideas is to create a spinout company. This has been done with great success already by numerous scientists at the department and can partly be accredited to a core belief of scientific freedom, internal collaboration across areas of expertise, and motivation and support from colleagues and management.

Supporting and developing innovative projects

In 2024, we have as a new initiative established the Research Office for Biomedical Innovation (ROBIN), to further strengthen the local support at the department of projects with innovative potential. Our focus is to optimize and facilitate the creation of new spinout companies and strategic collaborations with industry partners.


Jane Palsgaard Pedersen

Senior Consultant, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Claus Elsborg Olesen

Professor in Biomedical Innovation