Core Facilities

Core facilities are service units with special equipment and special competences. They offer services to researchers at Aarhus University, but also to researchers from other universities, hospitals etc. The core facilities are specialised within their respective areas, so that they can improve quality and efficiency.

We offer molecular interaction analysis services based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) for all scientists at Aarhus University as well as external academic and industrial partners. In the future, we are planning to expand our services to include other techniques such as Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) and Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI).

Read more about the Biacore Core Facility

We provide state-of-the-art equipment for a wide range of light microscopy applications. The Bioimaging Core Facility focuses on microscopy knowledge sharing and in addition they offer access to advanced bioimaging software, expertise in image data analysis, and project based microscopy education.

Read more about the Bioimaging Core Facility

We provide a centralized resource of expertise in computational biology, data mining and bioinformatics. We offer solutions for analysis, visualization, management and interpretation of large-scale biological data, mainly produced by high-throughput genomics experiments. We provide bioinformatics training, services as well as full-scale scientific collaborations for all researchers at Aarhus University as well as external academic and private companies.

Read more about the Bioinformatics Core Facility

CellX (The Danish Single Cell Examination Platform) is a national research platform/infrastructure dedicated to single cell and spatial OMICs analysis.CellX is hosted by Aarhus University, with strong nodes at University of Southern Denmark and University of Copenhagen, consisting of different service providing core sites.

Read more about CellX

The FACS Core Facility is among the first 8 core facilities worldwide to be recognized by ISAC for following international best practices. The core facility is equipped with a 6-laser Bigfoot and a 4-laser FACSAriaIII cell sorter and besides an ID7000 full spectrum flow cytometer does the core facility manage 4 flow cytometers and an ImageStream. The facility is staffed with skilled personnel who take care of training, maintenance and development. The FACS Core Facility in an open core facility for all researchers at Aarhus University as well as other universities and private companies.

Read more about the FACS Core Facility

GenomeDK is a high-performance computing facility, dedicated to genomics and life sciences, which offers access to 6400 cores and 12 PB of storage. This makes it possible for users to run very intensive computations using a lot of data in a secure environment. We provide services to researchers at Aarhus University, other universities, as well and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Read more about GenomeDK

We help you perform histology with hands-on training and guidance - or we can handle the entire histology workflow for you.

Read more about about the histology core facility

We have experience in breeding high-quality laboratory animals, as well as carrying out animal experiments. The animal facilities are open to external research groups and companies that wish to carry out laboratory animal breeding and biomedical research. 

Read more about the animal facilities

The Mass Cytometry Unit provides equipment and service for both suspension mass cytometry (SMC, CyTOF, Helios) and imaging mass cytometry (IMC, Hyperion). SMC mixes the fundamentals of flow cytometry with suspension mass spectrometry, and IMC allows the analysis of tissue samples with laser scanning spatial resolution. MCU provides services to all research groups at Aarhus University. Researchers from other universities and from business and industry are also welcome.

Read more about MCU

We specialise in cardiovascular and metabolic phenotyping in the broadest sense - both for researchers at the department and for external clients. We mainly focus on cardiovascular phenotyping, but also offer advice, guidance and technical assistance on general surgeries, blood sampling and tissue collection.

Read more about the Cardiovascular Phenotyping Core Facility