How to Collaborate with us

We conduct research in: infection and inflammation, neuroscience, membranes and personalised medicine. Each research theme covers a number of specialised research groups. Please contact us, if you want to collaborate with our researchers.

You can access research services from the department's core facilities. The core facilities have special skills and equipment, and they offer specialized services to universities, hospitals and businesses.

You can access the latest research within a specific area by entering into an agreement with Aarhus University on licensing a research result.

You have the opportunity to enter into three types of collaboration with researchers from Biomedicine: Co-financed research, commissioned research or a scheme where you hire an industrial researcher in your company for a limited period.

Need more information?

Please contact Claus Olesen, if you are interested in a strategic partnership where your company or organisation commits to cooperating with the Department of Biomedicine in research or innovation during a period of time.

Our special competences are the development of pharma products in the fields of infection and inflammation, neuroscience, membrane research and personalised medicine.

At our disposal is Denmark's most intelligent research house, the Skou Building, including 3,000 square meters state-of-the-art animal barn with room for 30,000 mice and rats.

Claus Elsborg Olesen

Professor in Biomedical Innovation

Case: Solving Societal Problems Together

"We have a wonderful collaboration with Lin and Alun on pig xenotransplantation."
Professor George Church, Harvard University

A large number of researchers from universities in Denmark and abroad such as Harvard, Stanford and KU Leuven have teamed up with our research staff to develop new ideas and solve societal problems together. Harvard professor George Church collaborates with assistant professor Lin Lin and associate professor Yonglun Luo from our department on turning pigs into organ donors.