Søren Vrønning Hoffmann


Senior Researcher

Primary affiliation

Søren Vrønning Hoffmann

Areas of expertise

  • Synchrotron Radiation
  • Circular Dichroism
  • Molecular scale biophysics
  • UV spectroscopy
  • Synchrotron Radiation optics

Contact information

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I develop and exploit Synchrotron Radiation (SR) based Circular Dichroism (CD) instrumentation at AU’s major research infrastructure ASTRID2. CD is a biophysical method used for studying chiral molecules, including biomolecules like proteins, DNA and lipids. SR from ASTRID2 is a very strong source of UV radiation compared to conventional laboratory based light sources. SRCD enables measurements on otherwise normally difficult samples like e.g. emulsions. Furthermore, I also use SRCD for research within the topic of origin of life, particularly on the subject of homochirality: why are the chiral building blocks of proteins, i.e. amino acids, all of lefthand symmetry.

Job responsibilities

I’m the direction of ISA, in charge of operation AU’s large research infrastructure, the storage ring and 3rd generation synchrotron radiation source ASTRID2. Additionally, I’m the transnational access (TNA) manager for the EU project MOSBRI that provides access to several molecular scale biophysics laboratories throughout Europe, including access to the SRCD facilities at ASTRID2. I also administer AU’s participation in several other research infrastructure EU projects, including NEPHEWS focusing on countries without national access to synchrotron and neutron sources for research, including Ukraine and Africa.

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