Single-Cell Proteomics (SCP)

SCP setup:

Vanquish Neo UHPLC coupled with Orbitrap Ascend mass spectrometer.

SCP workflow:

From cell suspension or tissue sections to downstream single-cell LC-MS analysis. 

Technology key features:

  • LC-MS based proteomics at single-cell level, antibody independent.
  • Semi-automated, nl-ul level in-situ sample preparation.
  • Compatible with both cell suspension and fresh frozen/ FFPE samples.
  • Approx. 1000-2000 protein IDs from a single cell.
  • Current throughput 30 samples per day (SPD).
  • Provide complementary data to scRNAseq.

How to access SCP?

For more information and access of SCP through CellX platform, please contact the Fenton Lab at the Department of Biomedicine, AU.