Kidney, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Diseases

Kidney, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases are major contributors to global morbidity and mortality. Research within our theme focuses on deciphering the mechanisms that drive these disorders and exploring how dysfunctional systems interact to accelerate disease progression.

What We Do

We use a broad range of approaches, including in vivo and in vitro models, state-of-the-art imaging, and omics technologies to advance our understanding of conditions such as hypertension, kidney disease of various etiologies, and metabolic disorders. Our vision is to enhance knowledge on how metabolic, renal, and cardiovascular multisystem disorders impacts mortality.

Who We Are

Our theme hosts more than 25 groups who collaborate with clinicians and the pharmaceutical sector.

Meet Associate Professor
Stephan Lange

The molecular origins and pathways associated with the development and progression of human cardiac and skeletal myopathies.

Meet Associate Professor
Rikke Nielsen

How can we clarify cellular mechanisms and use the knowledge to treat certain eye- and kidney diseases?

Research Theme Contact

Robert A. Fenton

Professor Department of Biomedicine - Forskning og uddannelse, Syd

Ina Maria Schiessl

Associate Professor Department of Biomedicine - Forskning og uddannelse, Skou-bygningen

Labs and Research Centres