Research Leaders


We investigate mechanisms underlying memory formation, mood regulation and psychiatric disorders, with particular emphasis on sortilin receptors. Methods include molecular and cellular biology, transgenic mice,  electrophysiology, behavior, and advanced imaging.
See also Nykjær group at

We study, using genetic mouse models and circuit manipulations, the effects of stress on memory circuits. Our long-term goal is to identify targets for novel therapies of memory deficits induced by stress, which range from uncontrollable and intrusive memories to memories that are inaccessible to retrieval.
See also: Radulovic Lab

We focus on receptor mediated drug delivery to the brain. Using complex in-vitro Blood-Brain Barrier models based on primary cells and human stem cells, different sorting receptors are analyzed for its ability and capacity to transcytose drug into the brain.

Our nervous system including the brain and peripheral nerves permeate all regions of our body and is the basis for our mind. We want to understand its fundamental mechanisms and how dysfunctions contribute to diseases.

We study how energy homeostasis controls functional integrity of the brain and why metabolic disturbances are a major cause of neurodegenerative disease. We explore these questions in transgenic mouse and iPSC-derived human cell models using metabolomics, histopathology, and cell biology.

We use animal models and human derived-samples to better understand the early changes in alpha-synuclein related neurodegeneration and the associated neuroinflammatory process during Parkinson’s Disease; With an ultimate focus on defining new targets and novel biomarkers. See also 

Associate Professors

I am interested in the circuit and cellular mechanisms of emotion affecting behavior. In particular, I try to resolve how emotion changes hippocampal functions. To address this, I identify and dissect the emotional circuits using in vitro electrophysiology and behavioral analysis and combining these with opto/ chemogenetics tools.

Diseases and injuries affecting peripheral sensory nerves often result in severe neuropathic pain (NP) and disability, and underlie substantial socio-economical costs. My research aims to identify novel disease modifying strategies by manipulating glia-neuron interactions for the treatment of NP.

The Yonehara group investigates how spatial asymmetry in the neuronal circuits arises during development and support neural computation in adults. We address these questions mainly by focusing on visual circuits across retina, superior colliculus, thalamus, and visual cortex of mice.

In our team we are investigating what regulates synaptic plasticity and transmission in the brain. Especially, how can we possibly control it? We study key proteins involved in the underlying mechanisms using electrophysiology, pharmacological and genetic tools, combined with rodent disease models. 

Our research focuses on investigating the role of brain hemodynamics and cellular energetics in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, with a particular emphasis on Alzheimer's disease. We employ a multidisciplinary approach, integrating optical imaging, molecular biology methods, and behavioral studies to explore potential treatment drugs and identify novel biomarkers.

Our main research interest is autophagy, which we study using different model systems, including yeast and mammalian cells. In this context, my work is also focusing on the clearance of protein aggregates by this autophagy in healthy and disease cells (neurodegeneration).

Our research evolves around deciphering the neural circuits and immune-to-brain signaling mechanisms involved in regulating affective state during disease. For this, we are exploring the function of several brain circuits and neural populations (such as microglia and astrocytes); and are specialized in striato-nigral and mesolimbic connectivity. 

We use human pluripotent stem cells to model Parkinson’s disease and to study how the nervous system develops. We differentiate patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells into neurons and apply multiomic strategies to identify disease-modifying genes that may contribute to disease severity.  

We are currently interested in understanding the mechanisms behind initiation and spreading of epileptic seizure activity in cortical networks and the dynamic properties of axonal propagation. We use various electrophysiological and histochemical techniques and various in vitro animal model systems.

I am interested in understanding the cellular mechanism underlying memory formation (synaptic plasticity) and how memory is affected by neurological diseases. My laboratory works on disease models (Alzheimer, ischemia) using in vitro electrophysiology, pharmacology, histology and animal behavior.

My research focuses on understanding the cellular mechanism of short- and long-term memory in the hippocampal-cortical system. I use a variety of tools to address this, including viral tracing, ex vivo electrophysiology, imaging, optogenetics, and behavior.

We study the role of SORL1 as a sorting receptor for neuronal cargo molecules, to determine how SORL1 activity protects against Alzheimer’s disease using cell biology and animal models. We also focus on understanding regulation of SORL1 expression and to delineate its physiological function in the CNS. 

We investigate the neurobiology and pharmacology of stress-related psychiatric disorders. We aim to unravel potential biomarkers and new treatment targets. We use translational approaches combining the use of animal models, cellular/molecular biology, neurochemistry, imaging and pharmacology.

Our group studies molecular mechanisms underlying neurological and metabolic disorders. We are interested in sorting receptors of the LDL receptor family and sortilin family, and how they regulate cellular processes. We employ a wide range of techniques in genetics, molecular, and cell biology.

We are currently interested in understanding the mechanisms behind initiation and spreading of epileptic seizure activity in cortical networks and the dynamic properties of axonal propagation. We use various electrophysiological and histochemical techniques and various in vitro animal model systems.

Our research is aimed at understanding systems-level molecular mechanisms of selective retention of trivial memory through neuromodulation in the hippocampus. Further, we study the assimilation of this retained memory into the relevant knowledge structure using e.g. sophisticated behavioural tests in rats.

Our research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling microglial subtypes in neurodegenerative disorders and evaluating potential approaches to target these microglia as therapeutic interventions and as biomarkers. 

Our research is focused on the biology of the sortilin receptors. The research aims to identify novel protein interaction partners to the sortilin receptors of both extracellular and intracellular origin. The research uses a range of techniques in molecular and cell biology.

Our research lab is dedicated to understanding the intricate mechanisms that govern normal human brain development and function and how defects contribute to neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, we investigate the impact of risk gene variants associated with this disease. To achieve this goal, we have developed iPSC-derived 2D and 3D models of human brain development and use state-of-the-art techniques, such as single-cell sequencing.