Research Leaders


We investigate the effect of various skeletal challenges such as disuse and explore how pharmacological interventions can prevent bone loss. We employ a battery of tools e.g. µCT, mechanical testing, histology, and qPCR. The aim is to find new therapeutic strategies for osteoporosis.

We study structure and mechanism of Na,K-ATPase with focus on mutations causing neurological and kidney disorders. Recently, we discovered a “gain-of-function” mutation that rescues the compromised function of certain Na,K-ATPase disease mutants. We are currently exploring the underlying mechanism.

We are interested in understanding how transport of ions (mainly negative ions such as Cl- and HCO3-) across membranes modifies the function of blood vessels. We have focus on how changes in transport contributes to vascular dysfunction in conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.

We apply structural biology and biophysical experiments to investigate active and passive transport of ions across cell membranes to gain insights in critical biological functions and diseases. We mainly focus on cell control, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, we are involved in multiple innovation and drug development projects.

We study interactions between cell function and metabolism. Focusing on acid-base deregulation and metabolic dysfunction in epithelia and the cardiovascular system, we evaluate mechanisms of cancer, ischemia and hypertension development and strategies to reduce disease progression and severity.

The group focuses on local auto and paracrine signalling in renal physiology and pathophysiology. The goal is to understand the effect of bacterial virulence factors in the host and how to support the renal epithelial defence against bacteria as an approach to treatment of urinary tract infections.

We explore the pathophysiological implications of renal filtration and reabsorption of proteins with focus on the cell injury caused by filtered complement factors and enzymes, and using conditional gene knockouts, experimental renal disease models and the analyses of renal patient samples and tissues.

We are renal physiologists and study the intricate signalling pathways and molecular and cellular players of normal and diseased renal functions. One current highlight addresses the fascinating alterations of kidney function in cystic fibrosis patients.

We investigate structure-function relationship, mechanism, and pathophysiology of ion pumps (Ca2+-ATPase) and lipid pumps (“flippases”). Mutant pumps are expressed in cell culture and studied using a panel of enzymatic and transport assays to reveal the effects of mutations on the reaction cycle.

Potent alkaline secretion is crucial for the proper function of several epithelia and depends on Na+-dependent HCO3- transporters. We study the function and regulation of these transporters with the aim to define targets for future interventions to interfere with these molecular mechanisms in disease.

We investigate the effect of various skeletal challenges such as disuse and explore how pharmacological interventions can prevent bone loss. We employ a battery of tools e.g. µCT, mechanical testing, histology, and qPCR. The aim is to find new therapeutic strategies for osteoporosis.

We study the molecular regulation of membrane proteins that transport sodium, chloride and water. Our basic research has clinical implications, e.g. in control of blood-pressure. Our multidisciplinary approach uses techniques such as proteomics and bioinformatics, high-res imaging, and animal models.

We study how tissue defines blood flow that matches its demand and it changes in pathology i.e. diabetes, major depression and migraine. We are focused on involved membrane transport, especially Cl- channels and the Na,K-ATPase. We aim to elucidate signalling pathways initiated from these molecules.

Associate Professors

We are interested in understanding the cellular mechanisms behind the kidney disease nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (e.g. lithium-induced) and in general to understand sodium and water reabsorption in the kidney distal tubule. We use mainly animal and cellular models to investigate this.

The lymphatic vascular system is integral to the body’s immune response and plasma–interstitium homeostasis. In order to understand the mechanisms leading to oedema as well as the pathology surrounding cancer metastasis we study the physiology of lymph vessels from the cellular to whole body level.

We study the signalling pathways that regulate mammary gland development, function and disease. Using genetically-engineered mouse models and platforms for multiscale imaging, we observe cellular activity in living cells in situ, enabling us to understand information flows between cells in the mammary network.

The skeletal muscle research group focuses on muscle function in health and disease. Our core expertises are electrophysiology and methods to study cellular signals and function at all levels from the single muscle fibre to the intact organism. We focus on neuromuscular disease and welcome industry collaboration to develop novel treatments.

We study proteins involved in transport of water and ions across biological membranes. We focus on transport in epithelia of the intestines and the kidney. In these organs a defect transport can cause problems, such as diarrhea, defect urine concentration, or disturbances in electrolyte balance.

We investigate the role of membrane transporters involved in the secretion and pH regulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by the choroid plexus. Using both in vivo and in vitro methods, we specifically aim to define the role of acid-base transporters involved in CSF regulation in health and disease.

Diabetic nephropathy is the primary cause of end-stage renal failure and involves significant vascular remodeling. To identify novel treatment strategies, we investigate different pathways of renal endothelial cell plasticity using intravital 2-photon microscopy and other state-of-the-art techniques.
See also Schiessl-lab

We are interested in understanding how glycerol availability influences the storage of fat in adipose tissue and synthesis of glucose and triglyceride in liver. To achieve this goal we investigate cell culture systems, animal models and human tissue using a broad range of molecular biology methods.

The aim of my research group is to understand the role of the human skeletal muscle microenvironment during age- and disease related degeneration and muscle wasting. We are also investigating various strategies to rejuvenate the microenvironment and hereby restore muscle mass and function.

Our research focuses on endocytic receptors of the LDL receptor family, in particular LRP1 and megalin (LRP2), elucidating their importance for kidney disease, hypertension, and neurodegeneration. We employ a wide range of techniques ranging from animal models, cell cultures, biochemistry and analysis of patient samples.

My primary interest is membrane transport. My experimental approach is structure and function relationship of Na+,K+-ATPase studied by site directed mutagenesis, including the pathophysiology underlying neurological disorders caused by mutations in the brain specific Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms α2 and α3.

We investigate the molecular processes that lead to chronic kidney disease. We use a wide array of metabolic, mass spectrometric and bioinformatics tools, and integrate big data sets with physiological function. Our results have unraveled omics-guided targets for kidney diseasein the area of glomerular kidney disease.

The research area may be defined as structure-function relationships of the P-type ATPases. At present we exploit the X-ray structures of the Na,K-ATPase complexes with its specific inhibitors cardiotonic steroids in an attempt to design drugs “personalized” for each enzyme isoform.

Our aim is to understand the role of the endocytic receptor megalin in pathologies of the kidney and the retina. To do so we investigate the role of the receptor in regulation of hormone action, processing of transmembrane proteins, cell signalling and the functional impact of receptor O-glycans.

Biological modulation of pH: From cell to organism, pH is modulated by transport of acid and bases across membranes. I study two systems: maintenance of organismic acid/base by intercalated cells in the kidney collecting duct and the biomineralization process leading to formation of tooth enamel.

Cardiac and skeletal muscle fulfill many crucial functions in the body, including maintaining the blood circulation, breathing or movement. We investigate muscle development, signaling and maintenance, and decipher molecular mechanisms that play a role in the development of cardiomyopathies and neuromuscular disorders.

The skeletal muscle research group focuses on muscle function in health and disease. Our core expertises are electrophysiology and methods to study cellular signals and function at all levels from the single muscle fibre to the intact organism. We focus on neuromuscular disease and welcome industry collaboration to develop novel treatments.