Biomedical Research Foundation / Academy of Athens

Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens
Center for Clinical Research, Experimental Surgery and Translational Research

Evangelos Andreakos

Team: Maria Papadaki, Artemios Piperakis, Ioanna Galani, Maria Salaagianni

Established in 2003, the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA) is currently the largest independent biomedical research institution of Greece with 3 Research Centers, 500 research personnel (postdoctoral fellows, laboratory technicians and Ph.D. students) and 44 faculty members with a track record of scientific excellence coming from leading US and European Institutions. BRFAA provides cutting-edge infrastructures over a 25.000 square meter area for conducting internationally competitive biomedical research. It has several state-of-the-art Core Facility units including a Genomics Core Facility is equipped with NovaSeq6000, NextSeq500, MiSeq500 Illumina sequencing platforms, DNA/RNA extraction and library preparation (QIA Symphony, Blue Pippin, Covaris, Liquid Prep) and single cell RNAseq (10X genomics, Fluidigm C1) systems.

The laboratory of Immunobiology of the Centre of Clinical, Experimental Surgery and Translational Research, headed by Dr Andreakos, studies the role of innate immunity in host protective versus damaging inflammation in the context of acute and chronic inflammatory conditions including respiratory diseases. A specific area of particular focus is the unwinding of the innate antiviral mechanisms confronting respiratory infections including SARS-COV-2 and influenza viruses, and the immuno-inflammatory mechanisms leading to pneumonia and ARDS.

In UNDINE, BRFAA is co-leading work package 3 on the mechanisms of resolution of inflammation, and contributes to other WPs with material and analyses.