Madrilenian Health Service

Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS)

La Paz University Hospital

Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ)

Rebeca Pérez de Diego
Victor Galán

Our group, IdiPAZ's Laboratory of Immunogenetics of Human Diseases it is focused on the discovery of new etiologies of inborn errors of immunity. Within UNDINE, we will study the human genetics and immunology of MISC/A patients in work package 6. We will employ WES and WGS analyses, in order to search for candidate MIS-C/A-causing genes. We will characterise them at molecular level, in order to confirm the deleteriousness of the identified genotypes, and at cellular immunological level, in order to establish the genotype and phenotype causal relationship and to understand the underlying disease mechanisms.